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All about the curves…


This stylish reception desk made from Alpine White LG HI-MACS was created for a housing management company in the Northwest. Featuring thermoformed front panels that have been inlaid with mirror finished aluminium strips. The bright white colour of the desk works well against the striking red wall and floor.


The desk was manufactured in three stacked layers; this was partly done to make installation easier, but also to create a feature with the mirror laminate. 6mm thick panels of LG Himacs were heated in our oven and formed over an MDF frame, when cooled they were machined and joined seamlessly together with adhesive. A large desk surface to the rear of the reception creates more than enough room for two receptionists.

We not only manufacture counters for offices but also reception desks for salons and hotels. To find out more about what we can do have a look at our projects page.

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